Background Overview: Background Sustainability and CSR International frameworks: guides for global business Benefits for companies CSR national Overview: CSR national National CSR Forum CSR Policies in Germany CSR international Overview: CSR international The EU's CSR policy CSR: the global dimension
NAP Overview: NAP About the NAP Overview: About the NAP Objectives Development of the Action Plan Four action areas of the NAP Original version of the NAP Monitoring UN Guiding Principles NAP International Commitment of the Federal Government Overview: Commitment of the Federal Government The state's duty to protect Activities of the Federal Government Cooperation with stakeholders Corporate due diligence Overview: Corporate due diligence Federal Government expectations Five core elements of due diligence Access to remedy and remediation Supply Chain Act Overview: Supply Chain Act Background and development Implementation by enterprises FAQ Europe Overview: Europe EU supply chain law initiative EU regulation on conflict minerals EU Timber Regulation G7-Presidency 2022 Implementation support Overview: Implementation support Sector dialogues Overview: Sector dialogues Automotive Industry Energy Sector Dialogue About the dialogues Setting up the dialogues The role of the Federal Government Information, advice, training and networks Overview: Information, advice, training and networks Information and advice Networks and training Guidance documents Overview: Guidance documents General guidance documents Sector-specific guidance documents
CSR Background CSR national CSR international Business & Human Rights NAP About the NAP Commitment of the Federal Government Corporate due diligence Supply Chain Act Europe Implementation support Sector dialogues Information, advice, training and networks Guidance documents

Setting up the dialogues

The German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) is the government body responsible for organising and coordinating the NAP sector dialogues in collaboration with the Interministerial Committee on Business and Human Rights (IMA).

In preparation for the dialogues, BMAS organised a series of preliminary events designed to engage all stakeholders in the process.

  • One of these events was held in November 2017 in Berlin under the heading Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von NAP-Branchendialogen (NAP sector dialogues – opportunities and constraints). The purpose of the event was to discuss the future shape of the NAP sector dialogues with a wide range of stakeholders from politics, business, civil society, trade unions and academia.
  • Four NAP forums were held between November 2018 and May 2019 to discuss the respective sector-wide challenges to be overcome when implementing human rights due diligence obligations. The forums provided an opportunity for stakeholders representing politics, business, civil society, trade unions and academia to share their thoughts on the associated challenges and possible solutions.
    • 1st NAP forum on raw materials procurement / purchasing on commodity exchanges on 15 November 2018
    • 2nd NAP forum on company and sector-wide grievance mechanisms on 23 January 2019
    • 3rd NAP forum on antitrust law in relation to sector-wide cooperation on 28 March 2019
    • 4th NAP forum on adapting procurement contracts and processes on 23 May 2019
  • BMAS commissioned a study entitled Die Achtung von Menschenrechten entlang globaler Wertschöpfungsketten (Respect for Human Rights along Global Value Chains). The study investigates human rights risks in the value chains of individual sectors of the German economy. Based on specific criteria, the risks are narrowed down to cover eleven key sectors. This study provided the basis for discussions between BMAS and social partners, enterprises and other relevant stakeholders in each sector in order to determine the level of interest in and best approach to establishing a sector dialogue.


For more information on NAP sector dialogues, please contact the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs: